The seventh collaboration installment of looper series Tank Beats by Zuckell & Po-Bhoy from UK is now added to TableBeats' library. Tank Beats VII is 10 dope beats, 5 beats produced by Zuckell and 5 beats by Po-Bhoy. BPM range between 83 - 175. Download Tank Beats VII on TableBeats today and get busy with it!
Po-Bhoy - Tabbin’ 83BPM
Po-Bhoy - Pals - 100BPM
Po-Bhoy - Tank Garage - 135BPM
Po-Bhoy - Nap Sac - 140BPM
Po-Bhoy - Lock n Load - 83BPM
Zuckell - Target Aquired - 90BPM
Zuckell - Face Off - 150BPM
Zuckell - Chopper Down - 90BPM
Zuckell - Don’t Bunch Up! - 160BPM
Zuckell - Evil - 175BPM