No time to rest! The eighty-first installment in the original Looper series by super producer from UK – Zuckell – is now added to TableBeats library. Looper 81 is 10 dope beats, all produced by Zuckell. BPM range between 90 - 175. Download Looper 81 on TableBeats today and get busy with it!
Zuckell - Maelstrom - 90BPM
Zuckell - Dead Of Night - 160BPM
Zuckell - Rising High - 90BPM
Zuckell - Three Piece - 150BPM
Zuckell - My Memory - 90BPM
Zuckell - New Forms - 160BPM
Zuckell - Same Dream - 90BPM
Zuckell - Below The Universe - 160BPM
Zuckell - What It Was - 140BPM
Zuckell - Wolf Man - 175BPM