Our Italian brother and multi-talented instrumentalist – dj Myke aka Micionero – just dopped the second release of his BATTLECAT scratch record series. BATTLECAT Vol.2 is a 12” scratch record pressed on black vinyl with a limited edition pressed on smoked green vinyl. Get your copy or copies via vibrarecords.com. Along with his scratch record release dj Myke also made a looper to go with it, BATTLECAT Vol.2 LOOPS. It’s 5 dope beats, all produced by dj Myke aka Micionero. With very nice cover design by Stefano Tasciotti. BPM range between 68 - 160. Download BATTLECAT Vol.2 LOOPS on TableBeats today and get busy with it!

dj Myke aka Micionero - Lost Boy - 146BPM
dj Myke aka Micionero - Dangercat - 160BPM
dj Myke aka Micionero - Green Light - 78BPM
dj Myke aka Micionero - Dark Surfers - 68BPM
dj Myke aka Micionero - Cydonia - 78BPM