The fifth installment of – Zuckell & Po Bhoy – collaboration looper series Tank Beats is now added to TableBeats library. Tank Beats V is 10 dope beats, 5 produced by Po Bhoy and 5 by Zuckell. BPM range between 85 - 175. Download Tank Beats V on TableBeats today and get busy with it!

Po Bhoy - Meal Ready To Eat - 85BPM
Po Bhoy - Hollow Grave - 93BPM
Po Bhoy - Gold Beach - 90BPM
Po Bhoy - Drill The Bridge - 140BPM
Po Bhoy - Calling All Stations - 170BPM
Zuckell - The Bathtub - 160BPM
Zuckell - Challanger 3 - 150BP
Zuckell - Multitude - 90BPM
Zuckell - Legion - 140BPM
Zuckell - Close To - 175BPM