The second installment of Philadelphia based Smoked Out Sounds looper series is now added to TableBeats library – Looper Vol.2. It's 8 dope beats all produced by DJ Tony2teks. BPM range between 76 - 175. Download Looper Vol.2 on TableBeats today and get busy with it!

DJ Tony2teks - Beat 1 - 79BPM
DJ Tony2teks - Beat 2 - 95BPM
DJ Tony2teks - Childs Play - 76BPM
DJ Tony2teks - Dem Want It - 175BPM
DJ Tony2teks - North Philly - 90BPM
DJ Tony2teks - Smoked Out - 9BPM
DJ Tony2teks - Smoove2 - 84BPM
DJ Tony2teks - The Nineth - 93BPM