Over 50 Beats – Lost Tone Pros | Our Cuts Are Correct Lost Tone Pros | Our Cuts Are Correct x4 Loopers
Lost Tone Pros / Our Cuts Are Correct is now featured with 4 loopers! Beats by Lodus, Nemcis, IKW & Stunts. We got L.A. Beat Looper, Lodus Looper Vol 1, Our Cuts Are Correct Vol 1 & 2 featured! Over 50 dope beats to get busy to. Download TableBeats on the App Store today and get busy to over 50 dope beats!

Lost Tone Pros / Our Cuts Are Correct – L.A Beat (10 beats)

Lodus – Looper Vol 1 (11 beats)

Lost Tone Pros / Our Cuts Are Correct – Looper Vol 1 (18 beats)

Lost Tone Pros / Our Cuts Are Correct – Looper Vol 2 (17 beats)

//Daniel Hulth #TableBeatsApp