Another fire looper, GV Covert Operations, by the legendary super producer – Gold Voltron – is now added to TableBeats’ library. GV Covert Operations is 10 dope beats, all produced by Gold Voltron. BPM range between 80 - 140. Download GV Covert Operations on TableBeats today and get busy with it!

Gold Voltron - 0012xrv2 - 85BPPM
Gold Voltron - Alien Drone - 100BPM
Gold Voltron - Bleeps - 90BPM
Gold Voltron - Bounce - 140BPM
Gold Voltron - Clean Style - 80BPM
Gold Voltron - Done and Done - 100BPM
Gold Voltron - Gulps - 95BPM
Gold Voltron - Hidden Books - 100BPM
Gold Voltron - Repeat After Me - 100BPM
Gold Voltron - Slow Vibes - 90BPM