From Benevento, Italy comes producer & scratcher – DJ Razac – with a second installment, Beat Continuum Looper, to TableBeats’ library. Beat Continuum Looper is a tribute to the global community of scratchers, beatmakers and emcees. This looper is a journey through beats crafted by DJ Razac between 2020 and 2024. Packed with rich samples, raw textures and experimental vibes. Beat Continuum Looper is 12 dope beats, all produced by DJ Razac. A fusion of classic Hip Hop essence and creative sound explorations. It’s designed to inspire DJs, producers and emcees alike. BPM range between 80 - 110. Download Beat Continuum Looper on TableBeats today and get busy with it!

DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 01 - 90
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 02 - 90
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 03 - 85
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 04 - 140
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 05 - 90
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 06 -90
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 07 - 90
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 08 - 88
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 09 - 85
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 10 - 80
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 11 - 90
DJ Razac - DeeJay Razac 12 - 110