Cut & Paste Records & Modus Operandi have put together a fresh looper for their upcoming S-Word Chilean Community Skratch Tour. S-Word looper is 18 dope beats produced by 10 dope producers (read below for full list). BPM range between 71 - 157. Download S-Word on TableBeats today and get busy with it!
Darcy - Beat 01 - 80BPM
Symatic - Beat 02 - 147BPM
Fso - Beat 03 - 81BPM
Symatic - Beat 04 - 79BPM
Joeyfdh - Beat 05 - 140BPM
Jimmy Penguin - Beat 06 - 142BPM
Jimmy Penguin - Beat 07 - 135BPM
Blam - Beat 08 - 157BPM
Moschops - Beat 09 - 123BPM
Moschops - Beat 10 - 115BPM
Fso - Beat 11 - 110BPM
Symatic - Beat 12 - 71BPM
Blam - Beat 13 - 144BPM
Blam - Beat 14 - 148BPM
Blam - Beat 15 - 135BPM
Kodac Visualz - Beat 16 - 148BPM
Redmist - Beat 17 - 133BPM
Lone Wolf - Beat 18 - 136BPM